Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More good news (or Merry Christmas to us!!!)

So we were already having a great belated Christmas with most of my (Kim's) family; Mom, Dad, Karen (sister), Jeff (brother-in-law) and Elijah (my unnaturally adorable 19-month old nephew), when the doorbell rang Monday morning. It was FedEx...with a package from Taiwan! WOOHOO!

We received the translated paperwork and list of next instructions! To see everything translated into Chinese made this whole journey even more surreal...and the same time. There's a translated copy of the home study, adoption contract, power of attorney, and even a passport application for Kaley. Wow.

It was so neat to have family here to share in the excitement; we were bouncing around for joy. Elijah heard it was about his "cousin Kaley" and Taiwan, and he started running around the house saying "Kaley" and "ni hao" over and over again! ("Ni hao" is "hello" in Chinese.) He was all over the place, like he was looking for her and just wanted to say "ni hao" to her. I soooo wish I'd been able to get to the video camera!!!

Karen, Jeff & Elijah had to leave soon afterward to drive back to Indiana but Mom & Dad didn't have to leave until the next morning, so we strolled around a small historic town all afternoon. When we got home, Michael picked up our mail and there was another great surprise waiting for us! That same day, we received our letter from CIS (Citizenship & Immigration Services) telling us when to come for our fingerprinting! Yee haw! January 13th we'll be in Charleston for that next step! Go, God!

1 comment:

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

Woo-hoo! We are so happy for you and the newest pictures of Kaley are ADORABLE!!!